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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 462
Artificial Intelligence

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2010

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


Please note that the schedule for future classes is tentative.

Also note: For each lecture, we denote both a topic as well as the associated reading in the textbook. The live link on the 'topic' leads to a page of my personal notes for that lecture. Those personal notes are not nearly as complete or polished as the associated readings from the text. In truth, they exist mostly to provide a brief outline of the day's lecture. Students are expected to read the associated sections of the text. In cases where my notes include material which is not explicitly in the text, I will add the word "notes" to the explicit reading list.

Week Day Topic Reading
Jan 11-Jan 15 Mon Introduction, Course Administration Ch. 1, syllabus
Wed Intelligent Agents Ch. 2
Fri Introduction to Search Ch. 3.1-3.2
Jan 18-Jan 22 Mon No Class: MLK
Wed Puzzle framework Ch. 3.3
Fri Search strategies
bfs, dfs, uniform-cost, A*
Ch. 3.4
Ch. 3.5.1-3.5.2
Jan 25-Jan 29 Mon Memory usage Ch. 3.5.3
Wed Hands-on Day: Puzzle assignment
Fri Heuristic Functions Ch. 3.6
Feb 1-Feb 5 Mon Beyond Classical Search
Local Search
Ch. 4.1, 4.2
Wed Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing Ch. 4.1
Fri Guest Lecture: Rubik's Cube
Feb 8-Feb 12 Mon Discussion of Bidrectional Search programming assignment
Wed Local-Beam Search
Genetic Algorithms
Ch. 4.1, 4.2
Fri Genetic Algorithms and N-Queens
Feb 15-Feb 19 Mon Crossing Permutations for Genetic Algorithms
Wed Genetric Algorithms for TSP
Fri Intro to Adversarial Search Ch. 5
Feb 22-Feb 26 Mon Hands on day: Pente, Gobblet
Wed alpha-beta demo
Fri more game playing
Mar 1-Mar 5 Mon heuristics
Wed Exam Review (alpha-beta pruning example)
Fri Midterm Exam
Mar 8-Mar 12 Mon No Class: Spring Break
Mar 15-Mar 19 Mon Introducing pre-release version of our automated game player (usage)
Wed More discussion of game playing software (usage)
Mar 22-Mar 26 Mon Final discussion of Pente assignment
Wed Introduction to the Wumpus world.
Logical Agents
Ch. 7.1,7.2
Fri Propositional Logic, Resolution Ch. 7.3, 7.4, 7.5
Mar 29-Apr 2 Mon
Fri No Class: Easter Break
Apr 5-Apr 9 Mon
Apr 12-Apr 16 Mon Quantifying Uncertainty Ch. 13
Wed Quantifying Uncertainty Ch. 13
Fri Introduction to Bayesian Networks Ch. 14
Apr 19-Apr 23 Mon
Fri Hands on: conditional probabilities
Apr 26-Apr 30 Mon MCMC and Gibbs Sampling for Bayesian Networks
Wed Hidden Markov Models
Fri Class Cancelled
May 3 Mon Review

May 7 Fri Final Exam (12:00-1:50)

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 462, Spring 2010
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 April 2010
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