DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES CSCI 491 Capstone Project Contract Title of Project: Supervisor: Student(s): Brief Description of Project: List of Specific Tasks to be completed: Required Items: Grading will be based entirely on the following items with deadlines specified in the course syllabus: o A written design document o An oral project progress report/mid-term presentation o A review of a preliminary version of the project by the supervisor and instructor o A review of the final version of the project by the supervisor and instructor o An oral final presentation to the Computer Science faculty and students o Weekly progress reports given to instructor and supervisor. Agreement: By signing below, I agree that: o The course is for exactly 3 credits, and will not be amended to any more or fewer credits at any point in time. o A final grade of "Incomplete" is not allowed for this course. Only one of the grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, or F will be given as a final grade. o The requirements for the course are to be fulfilled according to the calendar set forth by the Computer Science faculty. o All code will be submitted to the project supervisor and course instructor at the end of the semester during the pre-final presentation. o All of the instructor's decisions regarding grading are final. o Failure to meet any of the course requirements will result in a course grade of F. o If working as a team or group, it is possible that different group members may receive different grades for the course. o Changing projects or groups will not be permitted. Date Signed: Project Developer(s): Supervisor(s): Instructor: