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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 493
Special Topics: Computational Geometry

Michael Goldwasser

Fall 2007

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


Please note that the schedule for future classes is tentative.

Also note: For each lecture, we denote both a topic as well as the associated reading in the textbook. The live link on the 'topic' leads to a page of my personal notes for that lecture. Those personal notes are not nearly as complete or polished as the associated readings from the text. In truth, they exist mostly to provide a brief outline of the day's lecture. Students are expected to read the associated sections of the text. In cases where my notes include material which is not explicitly in the text, I will add the word "notes" to the explicit reading list.

Week Day Topic Reading
Aug 27-Aug 31 Mon intro
Wed Convex Hull Algorithms (Graham, Jarvis)
(fun website)
Fri Convex Hull Algorithms (Divide and Conquer)
Sep 3-Sep 7 Mon No Class: Labor Day
Wed Convex Hull Algorithms ("Quickhull")
Fri Line Segment Intersections Ch. 2.1
Sep 10-Sep 14 Mon Line Segment Intersections Ch. 2.1
Wed Doubly-Connected Edge List structure Ch. 2.2
Fri Computing Overlay of Planar Subdivisions Ch. 2.3
Sep 17-Sep 21 Mon Art Gallery Theorem Ch. 3.1
Wed Breaking a Polygon into Monotone Pieces Ch. 3.2
Fri Triangulating a Monotone Polygon Ch. 3.3
Sep 24-Sep 28 Mon 1d Range Searching Ch. 5.1
Wed Kd-Trees Ch. 5.2
Fri 2D Range Trees and Analysis Ch. 5.3
Oct 1-Oct 5 Mon Fractional Cascading Ch. 5.6
Wed Trapezoidal Decomposition Introduction Ch. 6.1
Fri Incremental Algorithm for Trapedoization Ch. 6.2
Oct 8-Oct 12 Mon Analysis of Incremental Algorithm for Trapedoization Ch. 6.2
Wed Analysis of Incremental Algorithm for Trapedoization Ch. 6.2 (perhaps 6.4?)
Fri Intersecting Half Planes and Linear Programming Ch. 4
Oct 15-Oct 19 Mon Intersecting Half Planes and Linear Programming Ch. 4
Wed Intersecting Half Planes and Linear Programming Ch. 4
Fri class cancelled (enjoy fall break)
Oct 22-Oct 26 Mon No Class: Fall Break
Wed Intro to Voronoi Diagrams Ch. 7.1
Fri Overview of Fortune's Sweepline algorithm Ch. 7.2
Oct 29-Nov 2 Mon Correctness of Fortune's algorithm Ch. 7.2
Wed Implementation of Fortune's algorithm Ch. 7.2
Nov 5-Nov 9 Mon Triangulation of Point Set Ch. 9.1
Wed Intro to Delaunay Triangulations Ch. 9.2
Fri Computing Delaunay Triangulation Ch. 9.3
Nov 12-Nov 16 Mon Computing Delaunay Triangulation Ch. 9.3
Wed Motion Planning and Configuration Spaces Ch. 13.1
Fri Minkowski Sums Ch. 13.2
Nov 19-Nov 23 Mon Minkowski Sums Ch. 13.2
Wed No Class: Thanksgiving
Nov 26-Nov 30 Mon Computing Free Space Ch. 13.3, 13.4
Wed Shortest Paths and the Visibility Graph Ch. 15
Fri Shortest Paths in a Polygon notes
Dec 3-Dec 8 Mon Single Source Shortest Path Tree in a Polygon notes
Dec 10 Mon

14 Dec 2007
Scheduled Final Exam
(very likely to be project or take home)

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 493, Fall 2007
Last modified: Tuesday, 04 December 2007
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