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Saint Louis University

Computer Science P125
Introduction to Computer Science

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2005

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


We expect to have 12 graded lab assignments during this course. Your lowest score will be dropped at the end of the course and your remaining scores will be averaged.

The lab assignments for this course are designed with the intent that they can be completed, start-to-finish, during the scheduled lab session. You must attend the lab and turn in your results at that time in order to receive credit. No credit will be given for "late" labs without advanced arragments or extenuating circumstances.

The table below gives the assignments, and associated dates. All future dates/topics are tentative until such assignments are made available.

Lab Topic Date
lab01 Account creation and usage
(not graded)
Week of January 10
lab02 Editing, Compiling and Executing a Program Week of January 17 (see note)
lab03 Algabraic Expressions Week of January 24
lab04 Using the EzWindows library Week of January 31
lab05 Testing and Debugging Week of February 7
NO LAB THIS WEEK (exam preparation) Week of February 14
lab06 Loops, EzWindows and Parametric Curves Week of February 21
lab07 Programmer-Defined Functions Week of February 28
lab08 Parameter Passing Week of March 14
NO LAB THIS WEEK (partial school week) Week of March 21
lab09 Classes Week of March 28
lab10 Overloading Operators Week of April 4
lab11 "Time and Money" Week of April 11
lab12 Sorting an Array Week of April 18
NO LAB THIS WEEK Week of April 25

Note: Monday, January 17 is a university holiday. If your lab session is usually held on Monday, we ask that you attend one of the alternate sessions this week.

Michael Goldwasser
CS-P125, Spring 2005
Last modified: Saturday, 16 April 2005
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