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Saint Louis University

Computer Science P125
Introduction to Computer Science

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2005

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

  • List of Programming Assignments
  • General Information about Programming


    The table below gives the assignments, and associated dates. All future dates are tentative until such assignments are made available.

    Program Topic Date Collaboration Policy
    prog01 Training Zone Monday, 31 January 2005, 8pm individual
    prog02 Artist Wednesday, 9 February 2005, 8pm individual
    prog03 Stock Price Graph Wednesday, 2 March 2005, 8pm
    Friday, 4 March 2005, 8pm
    prog04 Checkers Tuesday, 22 March 2005, 8pm
    Monday, 28 March 2005, 8pm
    prog05 Ball Simulation Monday, 11 April 2005, 8pm pair
    prog06 Shakespearl Wednesday, 20 April 2005, 8pm pair
    prog07 Finding it Old-School Friday, 29 April 2005, 8pm individual


    Programming Assignments

    What to submit

    Electronic Submission Procedure

    All programming assignments must be submitted electronically. For each assignment, there will be an aptly named folder in your online submit directory.

    Receiving Grade Reports

    Grade reports for each program, as well as an overview of all grades received in the course will be kept for each student in a special directory named 'grades' within the online submit directory.

    Computing Resources at SLU

    An account for each student has been created on,, our department computing cluster. The cluster runs the Linux operating system. It is accessible from both on and off campus by one of the following two ways:

    For more detailed information on access to the cluster, visit, and the link to "Accessing Turing".

    Please note: you are not explicitly required to use turing as your computing platform, it is simply the only platform what we will officially support. If you wish to use another platform that offers you sufficient support for completing your assignments, please feel free to do so.

    Michael Goldwasser
    CS-P125, Spring 2005
    Last modified: Wednesday, 20 April 2005
    Art Show | Course Home | Homework | Labs | Programming | Schedule & Lecture Notes | Submit