
autograde is a Perl script written for a unix/linux system. It is designed to compile student programs, and to execute those programs on test input provided either by the instructor or by other students.

It has been discussed in the paper "A gimmick to integrate software testing throughout the curriculum" by Michael Goldwasser, which appears in the Proceedings of the 33rd Annual SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Feb. 27 - Mar. 3, 2002.


This software is public domain. It may freely be copied and used in non-commercial products, assuming proper credit is given to the author and this message remains, but it should not be resold. If you want to use the software for commercial products, contact the author.

This software is provided ``as is'' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is with you. Should the software prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

Please report any bugs in this package. Although there is no guarantee, such bugs may be fixed in a future release of the software.

  • The complete distribution, containing the script, documentation, and sample programming assignments configured for use with the autograde script, is available as a tarfile [tar, tar.Z, tar.gz].

  • The standalone script is availabe as [autograde].

  • The User's Guide is available as [ pdf, pdf.Z, pdf.gz, ps, ps.Z, ps.gz ].

  • The SIGCSE 2002 paper is available as [ pdf, pdf.Z, pdf.gz, ps, ps.Z, ps.gz ].

  • Michael Goldwasser