Workshop of IEEE NetSoft 2018
Balancing Delay and Cost in Virtual Network Function Placement and Chaining
Aris Leivadeas, Ioannis Lambadaris, Mohamed Ibnkahla, Carleton University - Canada
Matthias Falkner, Cisco Systems - Canada
George Kesidis, Pennsylvania State University - USA
A Clustering-based Consistency Adaptation Strategy for Distributed SDN Controllers
Mohamed Aslan, Ashraf Matrawy, Carleton University - Canada
Design of a UAV-based videosurveillance system with Tactile Internet constraints in a 5G ecosystem
Christian Grasso, Giovanni Schembra, University of Catania
Scalable Video Transmission in Software Defined Wireless Mesh Network
Chaojie Yu, Zhipeng Yang, Xiang Chen, Jian Yang, University of Science and Technology of China - P.R. China
Quality-of-Service Assessment of Live Video Streaming with a Remote-Controlled Drone
Frank Loh, Florian Wamser, Tobias Hoßfeld, Phuoc Tran-Gia, University of Wurzburg, Institute of Computer Science - Germany
The Tactile Internet for the flight control of UAV flocks
Fabio D'Urso, Christian Grasso, Corrado Santoro, Federico Fausto Santoro, Giovanni Schembra, University of Catania
In the recent years we have witnessed an increasing interest towards new networking trends, such as cloud and edge computing, providing virtually unlimited resources for enterprises and end-users, and smart systems, such as sensors, smartphones or other ``things”, used to generate and elaborate human-generated data. The massive amount of data has led to new Big Data processing and resilient storage challenges. Additionally, the introduction of the Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are deeply modifying the Internet towards the new concept of softwarized network, where network nodes are deployed with general-purpose standard servers, and network functions are implemented as software within data centers. These technologies, combined with the emerging standard of Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), will be the enablers of the forthcoming 5G mobile network for the Tactile Internet, a framework that has potential impact in every segment of the society in the immediate future. The Tactile Internet paradigm is foreseen to represent the next step in the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm.
Applications need support for extremely low latency, high availability, reliability and security challenges need to be addressed. Relevant application areas for Tactile Internet include real-time gaming, disaster handling, smart health and smart city applications, industrial automation, transportation systems and education, to name a few. The interest towards Tactile Internet is also witnessed by the initiative of the ITU-T Group that elaborated an ITU-T Technology Watch Report published in 2014. Large companies have been attracted towards this new technology; as an example, the Tactile Internet demonstration presented by Huawei at the Mobile World Congress in Shanghai 2015. The STET 2018 Workshop aims at bringing together researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present and discuss the latest advances on the main aspects of the Tactile Internet, ranging between architectural, theoretical and practical aspects for the realization of the Tactile Internet vision in future 5G smart systems. As it clearly emerges from the previous discussion, the topics addressed by the workshop are still becoming, hence expected to catalyze a keen interest from professionals of the academic and industrial networking and computer science communities.
The manuscripts must be prepared in English, IEEE 2-column US-Letter style using IEEE Conference template (available at THIS LINK ) with a maximum length of eight (8) printed pages, including figures. All papers need to be submitted in PDF format via JEMS. All submitted papers will be peer‐reviewed. To be published in the Workshop Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore, at least one author of an accepted paper is required to register and present the paper at the workshop. The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (including its removal from IEEE Explore) if the paper is not presented at the conference. Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE Communications Society will take action against any author who engages in either practice.
Arif Ahmed – IRISA, France Adnan Aijaz – Centre for Telecommunications Research King’s College London, Great Britain Rodolfo Alvizu – Politecnico di Milano, Italy Carlos Astudillo – State University of Campinas, Brazil Paolo Bellavista – University of Bologna, Italy Emmanuel Bertin – Orange Labs, France Chiara Buratti – University of Bologna, Italy Maurizio Casoni – University of Modena, Italy Walter Cerroni – University of Bologna, Italy Sandip Chakraborty – IIT Kharagpur, India Bruno Chatras – Orange Labs, France Mohammad Chaudhry – Soptimizer, Canada Carla Chiasserini – Politecnico di Torino, Italy Daniel Corujo – Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal Salvatore D'Oro – Northeastern University, USA Vincenzo Eramo – University of Roma "La Sapienza", Italy Paulo Ferreira – Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal Gerhard Fettweis – Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Ramon Fontes – IFBA, Brazil Amjad Gawanmah – ECE, Concordia University, Canada Frank den Hartog – DoVes Research, Australia Neminath Hubballi – Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India Vatche Ishakian – Bentley University, USA Wolfang Kellerer – Technische Universität München, Germany Toumi Khalifa – Univ. Paris-Saclay, France Pinar Kirci – Istanbul University, Turkey Diego Kreutz – University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Tian Lan – George Washington University, USA Zbigniew Leonowicz – Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Hongxing Li – Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P. R. China Luis Lopes – University of Porto, Portugal Pascal Lorenz – University of Haute Alsace, France Bala Krishna Maddali – GGS Indraprastha University, India Chathura Madhusanka Sarathchandra Magurawalage – University of Essex, Great Britain Martin Maier – Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory INRS, Canada Barbara Martini – CNIT, Italy Rolando Martins – University of Porto, Portugal Ibrahim Matta – Boston University, USA Samir Medjiah – LAAS-CNRS, France Gabriele Mencagli – University of Pisa, Italy Odorico Mendizabal – FURG, Brazil Roberto Morabito – Ericsson Research, Finland Ahmad Nagib – Queen's University, Canada Amiya Nayak – University of Ottawa, Canada Federica Paganelli – University of Firenze, Italy Sergio Palazzo – University of Catania, Italy Bhaskar Prasad Rimal – University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA Ioannis Psaras – University College London, Great Britain Martin Reed – University of Essex, Great Britain Wolfgang Richter – Soroco, USA Giuseppe Ruggeri – University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy Yasir Saleem – Telecom Sud Paris, France Stefano Salsano – University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Marco Savi – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy Reinhard Scholl – International Telecommunication Union, France Michael Seufert – University of Wuerzburg, Germany Nadir Shah – COMSATS Institute of Information Technology – Wah Cantt, Pakistan Meryem Simsek – Technical University Dresden Dresden, Germany Kurt Tutschku – BTH - Belkinge Technical University, Sweden Florian Wamser – University of Wuerzburg, Germany
A Workshop of IEEE NetSoft 2018