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Loyola University Chicago

Computer Science 125-609
Introductory Programming
Michael Goldwasser

Fall 1999

Math. and Computer Science Dept.


Some lectures follow the textbook very closely, and so no additional lectures notes are needed. However some lectures bring together material which is scattered in various places in the text book, and other lectures will cover material which is not included at all in the text book.

For this reason, I will try to provide additional lecture notes for many of the lectures given during the course. These notes are put together rather quickly, and so they are not formmatted exceptionally well, and there may be some typos or mistakes. These are meant only to provide a rough outline of what was covered during lecture, with additional notes for material not in the text.

  • lecture04, Tuesday, September 21
  • lecture05, Tuesday, September 28
  • lecture07, Tuesday, October 12
  • lecture08, Tuesday, October 26
  • lecture09, Tuesday, November 2
  • lecture11, Tuesday, November 16
  • lecture12, Tuesday, November 23
  • lecture13, Tuesday, November 30

  • comp125-609 Class Page
    Last modified: 23 December 1999
    General Information | Announcements | Schedule | Labs | Homework | Quizzes/Tests | Lecture Notes