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Loyola University Chicago

Computer Science 125-609
Introductory Programming
Michael Goldwasser

Fall 1999

Math. and Computer Science Dept.


Each week, the quiz will cover all material up to and including the previous lectures reading assignment and lab. [Note: Topics of future lectures are subject to change.]

Date Topic Reading Lab HW Out HW Due Test/Quiz
Aug 31 Introduction
Using Visual Basic 6.0
Ch. 1
Ch. 2.1
Sep 7 Events, Variables, Scope
Decision Structures
Ch. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Ch. 3.1
Lab2 HW1 Q1
Sep 14 Arrays
Do Loops, For Loops
Ch. 4.1
Ch. 3.2, 3.3
Lab3 HW2,HW3 HW1 Q2
Sep 21 Input/Output
Programming Style
Ch. 2.5, 4.3
pp. 63, 68, notes
Lab4 HW2 Q3
Sep 28 More on Arrays notes Lab5 HW4 HW3 Q4
Oct 5 Using the Debugger Appendix C Lab6 Test1
Oct 12 General Procedures Ch. 2.6, notes Lab7 HW5, HW8 HW4 Q5
Oct 19 No Class -- Fall Break
Oct 26 Graphics Ch. 5.1 Lab8 HW6 HW5 Q6
Nov 2 Sorting and Searching Ch 4.2 and notes Lab9 HW8a Q7
Nov 9 Sorting and Searching Ch 4.2 and notes Lab10 HW7 HW6 Q8
Nov 16 Additional VB Controls Ch. 5.2 Lab11 Test2
Nov 23 Introduction to Databases Ch. 5.3 Lab12 HW7 Q9
Nov 30 Relational Databases and SQL Ch. 5.4 Lab13 Q10
Dec 7 HW8 Demos HW8b
Dec 14 Final Exam, 6:00pm

comp125-609 Class Page
Last modified: 23 December 1999
General Information | Announcements | Schedule | Labs | Homework | Quizzes/Tests | Lecture Notes