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Loyola University Chicago

Computer Science 125-609
Introductory Programming
Michael Goldwasser

Fall 1999

Math. and Computer Science Dept.


Michael Goldwasser
Office: DH 234D, Lake Shore Campus
Phone: (773) 508-2883

Tuesdays, 6:00-8:40pm
Room 212
Mallinckrodt Campus

Text: The textbook is Essentials of Visual Basic 6.0 Programming by David I. Schneider. Prentice Hall, 1999, ISBN 0-13-012720-5.

Prerequisites: Math 100 (Intermediate Algebra) with a grade of "C" or better, or Math Placement Test.
This course does not require any prior experience with computers or programming. We do expect that many of the students may have some previous exposure to the basics of using computers. For this reason we will not cover this material in lecture, but it is covered in the first chapter of the textbook for those needing a review.

Materials required for each class:
For each class, please bring with you,
  • your copy of the textbook,
  • two 3-1/2" disks for use on IBM or compatible machines (you will need these to save any work you do, and for handing in assignments)
  • One large (5x7 or 8x10) envelope. This will be used to submit your COMPLETED assignment sheet, homework disks, and a printed copy of your program form, form text and code.

  • Required Work:
    Your assignments for the course will consist of the following,
  • quizzes. There will be a short quiz at the very beginning of each class (except the first week, and weeks in which there is a test). The quizzes will test the reading assignment, as well as previous labs and class notes. Your lowest grade will be dropped. A quiz can only be made up in the event that a very serious problem prevented you from taking it with the class.
  • labs. During the second half of each class period, there will be a simple, graded project to be completed by the end of that class. It must be graded before you leave the lab and cannot be made up later unless a very serious problem intervenes. The instructor will be in the classroom throughout the lab for any questions that you have regarding the lab.
  • tests. There will be two in-class tests during the semester which will be given during the first hour of class. The dates for these exams are October 5 and November 16. In addition there will be a final exam held on Tuesday, December 14, at the regular class location.
  • homework. There will be 8 larger assignments which can be started during labtime but which are expected to be completed on your own time outside of class. Generally, we will hand out assignments two weeks ahead of their due date so that you have ample time to plan your study schedule. The last of these assignments will be a final project of your choice and will count for double the weight of the other assignments. More details will be given at a later time.

    Each homework (except #8) will be worth a maximum of 5 points and are due promptly on their due date. Homeworks not turned in by the due date will still be accepted for a maximum of 3 points for one additional week. After one week, no assignments will be accepted.

  • Academic Integrity:
    For all four components of the required work for this course, it is expected that all material that you submit be entirely your own work. This is important as the best learning will come from your own hands-on experience. You should not receive help from students of this class, from any other students of other COMP 125 classes, or from any other people in general.

    If you do need help, you may seek help from the instructor, from your textbook, or from the online help menu that is part of the Visual Basic program. You are certainly free to study with other classmates and discuss material from the book or lecture, so long as you are not discussing anything which relates directly to a required assignment.

    Please note that any violations of this policy will result in immediate action. The minimum penalty will be a zero score on the work submitted, and in most cases the appropriate dean(s) will be notified of any violation. For further information on the general University policy towards academic honesty, please refer to the University catalogue.

    Grades: The graded work of this course will be weighted as follows:
  • 10% - quizzes (averaged with lowest score dropped)
  • 10% - labs (averaged equally)
  • 45% - homework assignments (with #8 weighted double)
  • 15% - average of test1 and test2
  • 20% - final exam

  • Letter grades for the course will be assigned as follows:
  • A -- 90-100
  • B+ -- 85-89
  • B -- 80-84
  • C+ -- 75-79
  • C -- 70-74
  • D+ -- 65-69
  • D -- 60-64
  • F -- 0-59
  • At the discretion of the instructor, the above standards may be changed at a later point, to favor the class in general.

    Visual Basic 6.0: Visual Basic 6.0 is available on all of the "Full Service NT Labs" at Loyola University (including room 212 and 214 at Mallinckrodt). To start the program, follow the trail from the Start Menu as follows: Start Menu -> Loyola Software -> Compilers -> Visual Basic 6. Information regarding location and hours of these labs is available at on the web.

    Keeping in Touch: There will be ample time for asking individual questions of the instructor during the regular class periods. Questions regarding that week's lab assignment will be answered with first priority, and then all other questions about the course material, lectures or homework assignments. Office hours are available by appointment. Also, throughout the week, you should feel free to send questions via email to the instructor ( Current information and announcements will also be maintained on the course web page at

    comp125-609 Class Page
    Last modified: 23 December 1999
    General Information | Announcements | Schedule | Labs | Homework | Quizzes/Tests | Lecture Notes