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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 1300/5001
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Michael Goldwasser

Fall 2018

Computer Science Department

Hands-on Day

Drawing Shapes

Try to recreate the geometry of the following sketches. The additional guidelines shown in my images designate 100-pixel increments.

Mickey (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Circle

Tree (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Circle, Rectangle

House (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Circle, Rectangle, Polygon

Snowman1 (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Circle

Snowman2 (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Circle

Propeller (spoiler: my code)
Full Disclosure: originally intended to make a flower
Uses: Circle, Ellipse

Peace (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Circle, Path, setBorderWidth

Fake Cube (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Rectangle, Polygon

Tophat (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Circle, Rectangle, Spline

Yield Sign (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Polygon, setBorderColor, setBorderWidth

Unfilled Triangle (spoiler: my code)
Uses: transparent fill color

Borderless Triangle (spoiler: my code)
Uses: having transparent (or zero-width) border

Warhol (spoiler: my code)
Uses: fill colors

Warhol2 (spoiler: my code)
Uses: fill colors

Swiss (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Polygon

Pinky (spoiler: my code)
Uses: we overlay a Circle and a Polygon to build the desired shape

Pinky2 (spoiler: my code)
Uses: A bit of trickery, since the outlined shape is not actually a single shape. The circle border is part of the circle, but the rest of the outline is a separate Path (that happens to coincide with the shape of the filled Polygon)

smile (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Variety of circles, Spline for the mouth, and Text label

Need more challenge? Can you draw this?

Here is my attempt with cs1graphics: (spoiler: my code)

And what happens if things go very wrong...

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 1300/5001, Fall 2018
Last modified: Wednesday, 19 September 2018
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