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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 1300/5001
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Michael Goldwasser

Fall 2019

Computer Science Department

Homework Assignment 16

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  1. (5 points)

    Assume that the method dict.items() did not exist. Give a small code fragment that produces a list of (key,value) pairs for a dictionary named data.

  2. (5 points)

    Although not discussed in the chapter, Python dictonaries also support a method named setdefault, documented as follows:

    	setdefault(key, default)
    	  if key is in the dicitonary, return its value. If
    	  not, insert key with a value of default and
    	  return default.

    Demonstrate your understanding by giving a snippet of code with logic that is equivalent to the following:

    val = capital.setdefault('CA','Springfield')

    presuming that capital is an existing dictionary. You are not allowed to use the setdefault method in your answer.

  3. (10 points)

    Write a function with signature letterFrequency(word) that returns a dictionary that maps each occurrying letter of the string word to a count of the number of times that letter occurs. For example, letterFrequency('Mississippi') should return a dictionary with entries {'M':1, 'i':4, 's':4, 'p':2}

    With proper use of dictionaries, your function should require only a single loop through the characters of the string, updating the frequency counts as you proceed. You should avoid use of the str.count method (which itself would depend on a loop).

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 1300/5001, Fall 2019
Last modified: Monday, 30 December 2019
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