Package airline

A variety of components for managing an Airline System.


Interface Summary
UserSession An encapsulation of the high-level flow of control for a user's session with an AirlineSystem.

Class Summary
Administrator Represents a User with administrative privileges.
AdministratorSession Manages the flow of control for a session with a registered Administrator.
AdministratorSession.NewFlightDetails Serves as a return value from Connection.getNewFlightInfo().
AirlineSystem The AirlineSystem manages the overall set of databases for users, flights, and reservations.
Connection An abstract class representing the front-end connection to a system.
Customer Represents a User who is a customer of the airline (i.e., one who can make and purchase reservations).
CustomerSession Manages the flow of control for a session with a registered Customer.
Flight Represents a single flight in the airline system.
ProvisionalReservation This subclass of Reservation is used to represent a tentative reservation in its intermediate stages while being constructed by a Customer.
Reservation A Reservation manages an itinerary of one or more flights for a traveling party.
TextConnection Console-based front end for the airline system.
User Represents a registered user for the airline system.

Enum Summary
AdministratorSession.AdminMenuChoice Serves as a return value from Connection.getAdminMainMenuChoice().

Package airline Description

A variety of components for managing an Airline System.