Class AdministratorSession

  extended by airline.AdministratorSession
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AdministratorSession
extends Object
implements UserSession

Manages the flow of control for a session with a registered Administrator.

Michael Goldwasser

Nested Class Summary
static class AdministratorSession.AdminMenuChoice
          Serves as a return value from Connection.getAdminMainMenuChoice().
static class AdministratorSession.NewFlightDetails
          Serves as a return value from Connection.getNewFlightInfo().
Constructor Summary
AdministratorSession(Administrator administrator, Connection connect)
          Instantiates a new session for the given Administrator and the given front-end Connection.
Method Summary
 void mainDialog()
          The main menu is first presented to an Administrator immediately after logging in.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AdministratorSession(Administrator administrator,
                            Connection connect)
Instantiates a new session for the given Administrator and the given front-end Connection. The constructor does not begin any interactions. Those should typically be started by calling mainDialog().

administrator - The Administrator instance associated with this session
connect - The Connection instance managing the front-end interactions for this session
Method Detail


public void mainDialog()
The main menu is first presented to an Administrator immediately after logging in. It offers choices for managing the overall system and the underlying databases of users and flights.

Specified by:
mainDialog in interface UserSession