Class CustomerSession

  extended by airline.CustomerSession
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CustomerSession
extends Object
implements UserSession

Manages the flow of control for a session with a registered Customer.

Michael goldwasser

Constructor Summary
CustomerSession(Customer customer, Connection connect)
          Instantiates a new session for the given Customer and the given front-end Connection.
Method Summary
 void mainDialog()
          The main menu is first presented to a Customer immediately after logging in.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CustomerSession(Customer customer,
                       Connection connect)
Instantiates a new session for the given Customer and the given front-end Connection. The constructor does not begin any interactions. Those should typically be started by calling mainDialog().

customer - The Customer instance associated with this session
connect - The Connection instance managing the front-end interactions for this session
Method Detail


public void mainDialog()
The main menu is first presented to a Customer immediately after logging in. It offers choices for managing existing reservations or creating new ones.

Specified by:
mainDialog in interface UserSession