Uses of Class

Uses of Flight in airline

Methods in airline that return Flight
 Flight Flight.Ticket.getFlight()
          Returns a reference to the associated Flight.
 Flight AirlineSystem.getFlight(String flightCode)
          Returns the Flight with the given flight code (e.g., "UA200").
 Flight Reservation.getLeg(int index)
          Returns the Flight with the given index.

Methods in airline that return types with arguments of type Flight
 Iterator<Flight> AirlineSystem.getAllFlights()
          Returns an array of all flights currently in the system.
 Iterator<Flight> Reservation.getAllLegs()
          Returns an Iterator reporting all flights for this reservation.

Methods in airline with parameters of type Flight
 void AirlineSystem.addFlight(Flight f)
          Adds a Flight to the system.
 boolean ProvisionalReservation.addFlight(Flight f)