Class TwoColumnValidator

  extended by TwoColumnValidator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CodebookValidator, FrequencyValidator

public abstract class TwoColumnValidator
extends Object
implements Validator

An abstract class to provide support for validating dialogs in which the entered text is expected to represent some form of key/value pairs, one per line, separated by one or more spaces. Lines that have only whitespace will be ignored. Lines with only one token will be interpreted as having a single space (" ") as the input string, and the remaining token as the key. Lines with two tokens will be interpreted as key/value pairs. Inputs having a line with more than two tokens, or two or more lines using the same key, will be considered invalid. Parse returns an instance of LinkedHashMap<String, String>.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object parse(String original)
          Parses the original text to form a map from string to string.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TwoColumnValidator()
Method Detail


public Object parse(String original)
             throws ValidatorException
Parses the original text to form a map from string to string. Relies on input conventions documented in the class overview.

Specified by:
parse in interface Validator
original - contents of the text area
LinkedHashMap<String,String> instance with pairs given in order that they were entered.
ValidatorException - if any line has more than two tokens, or if there are no nonempty lines.