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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 462
Artificial Intelligence

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2010

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Assignment 05

Playing Pente


Topic: Playing Pente
Related Reading: Ch. 5 of Third Edition (Ch. 6 of Second Edition)
Due: Friday, 9 April 2010, 11:59pm
Monday, 12 April 2010, 11:59pm

Please make sure you adhere to the policies on academic integrity.

Problems to be Submitted (50 points)

You are to submit a revised version of the Pente robot (and any other associated source code that you wish to edit).

Furthermore, you are to submit a README file that summarizes all design decisions that you made when rewriting the robot.

I will run a preliminary round robin tournament between all submitted robots (and mine), playing two games between each pair of contestants (allowing each player to be the first player once). We will use a per move time limit of 30 seconds on turing for this round robin.

The results of the round robin will be used to seed the players for a final single-elimination tournament to be scheduled for a future class period. We will use a per move time limit of 10 seconds for the final tournament.

I have robots running as follows:
ip port my color my time limit 9001 white 10 9002 white 15 9003 white 20 9004 white 25 9005 white 30 9006 black 10 9007 black 15 9008 black 20 9009 black 25 9010 black 30

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 462, Spring 2010
Last modified: Friday, 09 April 2010
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