We expect to have six assignments during this course.
Your lowest assignment score will be dropped at the end of the course and your remaining scores will be averaged.

Please make sure you understand the policy towards Collaboration Honesty and Academic Honesty.

The table below gives the assignments, and associated dates. All future dates are tentative until such assignments are made available. The assignments and solutions are given as PDF files.

Assignment Topic Date Due Solutions
asgn01 Mathematical Background, Analysis Techniques 6pm Tuesday, 28 Jan 2003 soln01
asgn02 Recurrences, Amortization,
Comparison Based Bounds
6pm Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 soln02
asgn03 Elementary Graph Algorithms,
Minimum Spanning Tree
6pm Tuesday, 11 Mar 2003 soln03
asgn04 Priority Queues,
Disjoint Sets
6pm Tuesday, 25 Mar 2003 soln04
asgn05 Dynamic Programming 6pm Tuesday, 8 Apr 2003 soln05
asgn06 Shortest Paths 6pm Tuesday, 22 Apr 2003 soln06

Last modified: 27 March 2003