Princeton University

Computer Science 226
Data Structures and Algorithms
Robert Sedgewick

Spring 1999

Computer Science Dept.

General Information | Announcements | Assignments | Collaboration Policy | Lectures | Errata

Check the errata if you have a concern about a possible bug in the text or course material.


  • 5/19 The final exam for cs226 has been graded, and course letter grades have been assigned. Automated reports were sent to each student through email.

    Graded final exams and any graded problem sets can be picked up by the student mailboxes on the second floor of the CS building. (cabinet near floor, to left of center -- push to open)

    Statistics for the class averages on individual assignments is available here

    If you feel there are any inaccuracies in your individual grades, you must contact us immediately.

  • 5/14 For those having trouble viewing/printing the postscript versions of the modified lecture notes, the ASCII version has been updated to reflect the changes. Also a student has created PDF versions of the lectures notes from the second half of the course. (thanks Robin)
  • 5/4 Information about the final exam
  • 4/27 Please take ten seconds to fill out this survey about possible changes in the CS curriculum for the future.
  • 4/26 We have summer jobs available for people interested in working on curriculum development in CS. Check this job announcement for details.
  • 4/22 The online versions of the slides used for lecture after 4/19 differ from those in the course packet. They have been updated to reflect the new text of Chapters 26--28.
  • 4/22 A third set of course notes is available at Pequod Copy. This is the new text of Chapters 26--28, the reading for the rest of the course.
  • 4/13 There will not be any homework due during the week of April 19.
  • 4/13 Precepts are canceled for April 19/20. If you have questions, your preceptor will be available for special office hours during the regularly scheduled precept time.
  • 4/9 Assignment 8 due date has been extended to Sunday, April 18.
  • 4/6 There is a major change in the schedule for the course. This will affect both the lectures and the assignments. We will be moving the lectures on numerical algorithms ahead of the lectures of graph algorithms. The new schedule for lectures has been updated accordingly. Additionally, we have decided on the tenth programming assignment, but then reordered the assignments as follows. A brand new program on factoring numbers has been created and become Program 8. This will be due on Sunday April 18. This and the full adjusted schedule is available on the assignments web page.
  • 4/1 For those who are interested in a challenge, there is a new directory ~cs226/RaceMichael/ which has several of Michael's executables. This way you can feel free to run them head to head against your own programs (after the fact).
  • 3/24 Statistics for each assignment's grades are now available here.
  • 3/23 A checklist for assignment 5 was just placed online. It includes many interesting inputfiles. (sorry for the delay)
  • 3/23 Programming Assignment 5 is due at 11:59pm Sunday, March 28 (welcome back)
  • 3/23 A second set of course notes will be available at Pequod Copy starting tomorrow. These notes are exact copies of the (previous) second edition of "Algorithms in C", pages 227-412, and include chapters on algorithms for strings and for geometric data.
  • 3/5 Information about midterm
  • 2/24 The http address for the cool red-black tree applet used at the very end of lecture today is . (however in reference to problem set 4, please be aware that the exact algorithm used in this demo is not the same as the top-down algorithm from the text.)

  • 2/21 On problem set 3, problem 5 involving LSD radix on strings, you may use the individual characters as your "digits". (there is certainly no need to convert chars to ascii values and use binary, although you are free to do so if you wish)

  • 2/18 On problem set 1, there was an issue of whether Insertion Sort (as given in Program 6.3) was stable. Unfortunately there was some confusing which effected the grading. In the early printing of the textbook, the implementation was NOT stable. However the code was changed in the most recent printing (to make it stable). We graded this problem assuming that the correct answer was "NOT stable". Stay tuned for details about the regrading process...

  • 2/16 Want to see one example of a blocksort in action? click here.

  • 2/14 For question 2 of problem set 2, C_n refers to the recursion for quicksort discussed in Chapter 7.2 of the textbook.

  • 2/11 Important: If you have not done so, please fill out the COS 226 student survey.

  • cos226 Class Page
    Last modified: May 19, 1999