Princeton University

Computer Science 226
Data Structures and Algorithms
Robert Sedgewick

Spring 1999

Computer Science Dept.

General Information | Announcements | Assignments | Collaboration Policy | Lectures | Errata


The following list of the lectures has links to the .ps files that were used to make the slides used in lecture (try magstep=-1 in Ghostview). These are intended for reference use; you should buy the course handout, which has paper copies of the lecture notes (with all the pictures) at Pequod Copy, 6 Nassau Street. Follow this link to all the lecture notes in ASCII for a quick route to the information in the lectures (no pictures), or, if you've got an Acrobat reader, this link to the lecture notes in .pdf format for an online version of the published lecture notes.
The ascii and .pdf files do not include the revised lecture notes from 1999. Please use the postscript versions below.

Normally, lectures will complement the reading. An effective strategy is to look over the indicated chapter before the lecture, then read it in detail soon afterwards.
Date Chapter(s) Lecture Topic(s)
February 1 1-5 1. Introduction
36 2. Elementary sorts, shellsort
87 3. Quicksort
108 4. Mergesort, analysis of algorithms
159 5. Priority queues
1710 6. Radix sorting
2212 7. Symbol-table ADTs
2413 8. Balanced trees
March 114 9. Hashing
315 10. Trie searching
811, 16 11. Sorting and searching huge files
10midterm exam
22* 12. String searching
24* 13. Pattern matching
29* 14. File compression
31* 15. Basic geometric algorithms
April 5* 16. Geometric search
7* 17. Multiplication
12* 18. Cryptology
1426 19. Basic graph algorithms
1927 20. Digraphs and DAGs
2128 21. MSTs and shortest paths
26* 22. Network flow
28* 23. Linear programming
Note the change in the lecture numbering as of April 7

The course text is Algorithms, Third Edition, in C, Addison-Wesley, 1998. by Robert Sedgewick, ISBN 0-201-31452-5. Only the first half (Parts 1-4) of the new edition is currently available. You will get instructions on obtaining some parts of the second half of the text after the break.


At precepts, we return and discuss the program and written assigment that were handed in the previous week, and give details and answer questions about the new assignment. Attendence at precepts is mandatory, and you should come prepared to participate in the discussion, not just ask questions.

cos226 Class Page
Last modified: April 6, 1999