Princeton University

Computer Science 226
Data Structures and Algorithms
Robert Sedgewick

Spring 1999

Computer Science Dept.

COS 226 - Errata (Spring 1999) General Information | Announcements | Assignments | Collaboration Policy | Lectures | Errata

The textbook is Algorithms, Third Edition, in C, Parts 1-4, Addison-Wesley, 1998. by Robert Sedgewick, ISBN 0-201-31452-5. Only the first half (Parts 1-4) of the new edition is currently available. You will get instructions on obtaining the second half of the text after the break.You also need the course packet, available at Pequod Copy. You may also find a book on C programming useful.

If you find an error in the book or the course materials, please check these lists, and fill out a bug report form if appropriate. Thanks for your help!

  • Errata list for Algorithms in C
  • Errata list for COS 226 course packet

  • cos226 Class Page
    Last modified: February 1, 1999