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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 1020
Introduction to Computer Science: Bioinformatics

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2019

Computer Science Department

If you wish, you may download a printable version of the original syllabus. However, all of that information is also on this web page and the web page will be updated as the course proceeds, whereas the printed syllabus will not.


Course Administration

Note well that this is the Second Edition of the book, and there were very significant changes between editions so it really is the second edition that is relevant. We also note that the book has a surprisingly high list price of $217 however in reality it seems that they really make new copies available through some venues for a more reasonable price. At one point the publisher indicated a promotional price of $79.95 (I'll try to get details of that). When looking on Amazon, I've seen new copies in the ballpark of $80-$100. I am also working on getting a new copy on reserve at SLU's library.

Online Resources

Graded Work

Academic Integrity and Collaboration Policy

Additional Information

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 1020, Spring 2019
Last modified: Monday, 14 January 2019
Course Home | Assignments | Data Sets/Tools | Python | Schedule | Git Submission | Tutoring