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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 1050
Introduction to Computer Science: Multimedia

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2016

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

For those who wish to review past quizzes, the table below provides all of the original quizzes, and a sample solution to each. All of this information is password protected, based on the same credentials you will use for project submissions.

Date Quiz Solution
January 14 quiz01.pdf soln01.pde
January 19 quiz02.pdf soln02.pde
January 21 quiz03.pdf soln03.pde
January 26 quiz04.pdf soln04.pde, soln04Extra.pde
January 28 quiz05.pdf soln05.png
February 2 quiz06.pdf soln06.png
February 4 quiz07.pdf soln07.pde
February 9 quiz08.pdf soln08.pde
February 11 quiz09.pdf soln09.pde
February 16 quiz10.pdf soln10.pde
February 18 quiz11.pdf soln11.pde
February 23 quiz11b.pdf soln11b.pde
February 25 quiz12.pdf soln12.pde
April 7 quiz13.pdf soln13.pde
April 12 quiz14.pdf soln14.pde
April 19 quiz15.pdf soln15.pde

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 1050, Spring 2016
Last modified: Tuesday, 19 April 2016
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