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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 1050
Introduction to Computer Science: Multimedia

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2016

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


The Processing Language and

Processing Cheat Sheets

In terms of quick references, there are several condensed "cheat sheets" online with an overview of basic commands and usage. I find the following two quite useful:

In addition to the materials at the official website, there is another website, which is effectively the YouTube for Processing. Even more exciting, in the spirit of open-source code, viewers can examine the code behind all sketches posted to this site. That can be a great way to learn (although please make sure to respect our policy on Academic Integrity).

Some amusing sketches:

Common colors

Here is a link to a long list of common colors and their RGB and hex codes

Our Department's Computing Resources

In addition to our classroom in Ritter 323, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science maintains a Linux system (named turing) for student use, and a walk-in lab in Ritter 117 of Linux workstations. Although we will not rely directly on that system for our day-to-day activities, an account will be created for all students in this class and you are welcome to use that system to work on your projects. Another feature of our system is that we have a web server and all students can host web-content from their account. This might provide us with yet another way to share our projects with others (although we'll likely use our OpenProcessing classroom as our first choice).

More information about our computing resources can be found at We also offer this very brief guide to using Linux.

Drop-in Tutoring Hours

Our department employees many junior/senior computer science majors to help out with students in introductory courses. They might not be familiar with the Processing language, but they should be eager to help. Our department web page maintains a current list of the available times and locations.

As stated in the section on Academic Integrity, these tutors are an acceptable resource for help, yet you should still document both the source of the help as well as the extent, if significant.

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 1050, Spring 2016
Last modified: Monday, 11 January 2016
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