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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 150
Introduction to Computer Science

Michael Goldwasser

Fall 2005

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Programming Assignment 05


Due: 8:00pm, Tuesday 1 November 2005



The goal for this assignment is to write a fully functional spell check program. You will be provided a dictionary of English words and you need to write a program that will find mistakes and allow you to correct them.

Newly Introduced Techniques

Collaboration Policy

For this assignment, you are allowed to work with one other student if you wish (in fact, we suggest that you do so). If any student wishes to have a partner but has not been able to locate one, please let the instructor know so that we can match up partners.

Please make sure you adhere to the policies on academic integrity in this regard.


When the program is run it will prompt the user for filenames of the text on which to spell-check and a dictionary file of correctly spelled English words. The program should loop through each word of the original text document. When it finds a word not in the dictionary it will print out the word as well as the line number based on the original document, and prompt the user on how to deal with it. The user will have the option to ignore it, replace it with a word that they enter or with one of a list of options. These options will be the two words immediately before and after the place where the misspelled word would have occurred in the dictionary. After the entire session, the corrected text should be saved to disk as a replacement for the original document (using the same filename).


Assume that the original document, my.txt, has the following content,

     This is a tesk of the spellchecking
     prograg, albeit a small tess.
     This is only a test.

An example session might go like this:

    Enter the name of the file to spellcheck:  my.txt
    Enter the name of the dictionary file:  English.dict
    The word: tesk on line 1 is not in the dictionary.
    i) Ignore
    r) Replace
    1) terzetto
    2) tesla
    Option:  r
    Enter your replacement:  test
    The word: spellchecking on line 1 is not in the dictionary.
    i) Ignore
    r) Replace
    1) spellbound
    2) spellcraft
    Option:  i
    The word: prograg on line 2 is not in the dictionary.
    i) Ignore
    r) Replace
    1) prograde
    2) program
    Option:  2

    The word: tess on line 1 is not in the dictionary.
    i) Ignore
    r) Replace
    1) tesla
    2) tessellate
    Option:  r
    Enter your replacement:  test

    Done spellchecking.  File Saved

At this point, the file my.txt should read

     This is a test of the spellchecking
     program, albeit a small test.
     This is only a test.

Further Specifications


Files You Will Need

We will provide an English dictionary

ln -sf /home/home0/goldwasser/lib/English.dict .

This will create a link to our dictionary with your directory.

Submitting Your Assignment

As usual, you should submit your sourcecode as well as a separate 'readme' file. If you worked as a pair, please make this clear and briefly describe the contributions of each person in the effort.

Please see details regarding the submission process from the general programming web page, as well as a discussion of the late policy.

Grading Standards

The assignment is worth 10 points. You will be graded based upon the correctness of its identification and correction of misspelled words. Furthermore, you program will be judged on its efficiency. You program should find misspellings and correction options fast enough to be a useful tool.

Extra Credit

Often a word is misspelled more than once in a document. Have your program keep track of the replacements it has made and if you comes up again provide the correction as an additional option. Also, provide Ignore All and Replace All options that will ignore all future occurrences of a word or make replacements on all future misspellings of a word, respectively.

Michael Goldwasser
Last modified: Thursday, 20 October 2005