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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 1020
Introduction to Computer Science: Bioinformatics

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2019

Computer Science Department

Git Repository

In order to facilitate the sharing/submitting of files between students and the instructor, or the sharing of files for students working together, we will be replying on a tool known as git for maintaining shared repositories. git is the industry-standard tool for maintaining software projects, and in addition to allowing for sharing of files within a group, it provides version control, in that it keeps all previously committed versions of the files and let's you see the old versions (and rollback progress, if desired).

For this course, we will rely on only the most basic features of git (and will save more advanced features for later courses). We will also be relying primarily on a web-based interface known as gitlab which allows you to browse, create, and edit files from your browser. You should be able to rely on this web-based interface throughout the semester (although we are happy to explain how to install and use git as a more advanced command-line tool for those interested.)


You can login initially by visiting Your username will be your slu email address, but the password for this website is independent of all the various other passwords in life. To set your initial password (or reset a password), use the "Forget Password" link at the login page and you will be sent instructions to your slu email.


Once logged in, you should be able to view your repositories from your personal dashboard at the website Each student will have an individual repository (known as a Project on the website) that will be based on the course and your username. We will rely on that for the entire semester. In cases where we allow students to work in groups on some coursework, we will create an additional shared repository for the group (based on the concatenation of usernames).


Each repository will contain the following:

Submitting Files

There are two ways that you can submit a new file. After navigating to the desired folder, you should find a plus-sign icon that leads to a pull-down menu with several options.

If you have already submitted a file and wish to change its contents, you may do this by selecting the file and then looking for either the "Edit" button to edit its contents in the editor, or the "Replace" button to upload a new version from your computer.

Notification Settings

Gitlab also allows you to customize notification settings and when the system will send you automated email. With the most aggresive notification ("Watch") you receive notifcations for any activity on the repo. This means that you'd get an email when the instructor posts new materials, when the instructor posts a grade report, or even when the instructor posts a response to a thread on the issue tracker. There are ways to tone down the amount of emails generated as well.

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 1020, Spring 2019
Last modified: Friday, 11 January 2019
Course Home | Assignments | Data Sets/Tools | Python | Schedule | Git Submission | Tutoring