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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 1050
Introduction to Computer Science: Multimedia

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2016

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Module 02 : Colors


New processing syntax:

Additional commands that we will start using now (but which will not appear on this quiz):


In-Class Activities

Try to recreate the appearance of the following sketches. The additional guidelines shown in my images designate 100-pixel increments.

Yield Sign (spoiler: my code)
Uses: stroke and strokeWeight

Unfilled Triangle (spoiler: my code)
Uses: noFill

Borderless Triangle (spoiler: my code)
Uses: noStroke

Warhol (spoiler: my code)
Uses: fill colors

Warhol2 (spoiler: my code)
Uses: fill colors

Warhol3 (spoiler: my code)
Uses: transparency

Colored Lines (spoiler: my code)
Uses: line, stroke, strokeWidth, transparency

Mastercard (spoiler: my code)
Uses: Clever combination of layering with transparency

Swiss (spoiler: my code)
Uses: beginShape/vertex/endShape

Pinky (spoiler: my code)
Uses: we combine half-circle (using arc) with custom body using beginShape

Pinky2 (spoiler: my code)
Uses: careful treatment of open stroke with the arc/shape

smile (spoiler: my code)
Uses: fill and stroke colors; ellipse and arc (and text command)

Although there is probably not time during class, if you need more challenges, try to recreate any of the following in Processing:
Size Reference Image My Attempt My Code
400x300 Piet Mondrian My Mondrian code
232x217 Mickey Mouse My Mickey code
174x203 SLU Billiken

Sample Quiz Question

The quiz will include color representation and control of colors. It will not include use of the beginShape and endShape mechanism.

Question: Assuming that the dashed lines designate 100-pixel intervals, give a Processing sketch that generates the following image.

(Spoiler: answer)

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 1050, Spring 2016
Last modified: Thursday, 04 February 2016
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