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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 1050
Introduction to Computer Science: Multimedia

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2016

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Module 06 : Interactivity


New processing syntax:


Review of Reas/Fry Examples

If you are interested in reviewing, the following are some (interactive) examples from the Reas/Fry reading.

Reas/Fry Example 5-4
This program repeatedly draws a circle at the mouse position, using a partially transparent black so that the background shows through, but that additional circles cause convergence to black. For convenience, our demo below allows you to clear the screen by clicking on the canvas (even though that functionality is not reflected in the given source code).

Implementation: code

Reas/Fry Example 5-5
The only difference between the previous sketch and this one is that the background command is issued within draw(), thereby clearing the screen for each frame just before the ellipse is drawn.

Implementation: code

Reas/Fry Example 5-6
This demonstrate use of the pmouseX and pmouseY variables, to draw lines between the current and previous mouse positions. You might notice that the first time that you enter the mouse into the canvas, the previous location is considered to be (0,0).
For convenience, our demo below allows you to clear the screen by clicking on the canvas (even though that functionality is not reflected in the given source code).

Implementation: code

Reas/Fry Example 5-7
This is similar to the previous demo, except that the weight of the line is set to be proportional to the distance that the mouse traveled between its previous and current location.
For convenience, our demo below allows you to clear the screen by clicking on the canvas (even though that functionality is not reflected in the given source code).

Implementation: code

Reas/Fry Example 5-8
... easing demo, but with constant of 0.05 for faster convergence ...
For convenience, our demo below allows you to clear the screen by clicking on the canvas (even though that functionality is not reflected in the given source code).

Implementation: code

In-Class Activities

Try to recreate any of the following interactive sketches on your own.

Moving Line
This continually displays a single line between the center of the canvas and the mouse.

Implementation: spoiler

Painting Line
This draws many lines between the center of the canvas to the current mouse location. For convenience, our demo below allows you to clear the screen by clicking on the canvas (even though that functionality is not reflected in the given source code).

Implementation: spoiler

Lowering a Curtain
This sketch gives a rudimentary view of lowering and raising a curtain over the canvas window, with the extend of the curtain aligned with the mouse pointer.

Implementation: spoiler

Closing Curtains
In this adapatation of the previous sketch, a pair of curtains can open and close from the left and right of the screen. The mouse controls the extent of the right curtain, with the extent of the left curtain set accordingly.

Implementation: spoiler

Outlining a Rectangle
In this sketch, we draw a rectangle that has one corner at the center of the screen and the other at the mouse location. This can be done either by switching to rectMode(CORNERS), or by putting the "top-left" at the center of the screen and then computing the width and height based on the difference between that center and the mouse. Conveniently, Processing interprets a negative width as rectangle that goes left of the "top-left", and a negative height as one that geos above the "top-left".

Implementation: spoiler

Outlining an Ellipse
Similar to the previous, but draws an ellipse that is centered at the center of the screen and using a width and height that is based on the absolute value of the difference between the mouse location and the center in terms of both x-component and y-component. Note that Python has a builtin in function abs for computing an absolute value.

Implementation: spoiler

Outlining an Ellipse
Extending the previous sketch to visibly show the bounding rectangle for the ellipse. (But note that this is not the same rectangle as given two sketches ago.)

Implementation: spoiler

Two-Dimensional Easing
In this sketch, we adapt the Reas-Fry Example 5.8 to two-dimensions, easing both an x and y coordinate. For convenience, our demo below allows you to clear the screen by clicking on the canvas (even though that functionality is not reflected in the given source code).

Implementation: spoiler

This sketch is quite similar to the moving circle of the Reas/Fry Example 5-5, however we play a bit with the color choice of the sun and the sky depending in some way on the y-coordinate of the mouse, and also in increasing the size of the sun near the bottom. We use the lerpColor function for convenience in interpolating colors, but with a non-linear function so that changes are more extreme near the horizon.

Implementation: spoiler

Color Intensity
In this sketch, we set the intensity of the color based upon the mouse motion. Specifically, we compute the square of the distance between the current and previous mouse locations, and then we set the color to (255, 255-k, 255-k) where k is that value.

Implementation: spoiler

Color Intensity with easing
The previous sketch is somewhat unpleasant with the dramatic changes of colors. In this version we apply easing. Rather than switch directly to the indicated color intensity right away, we compute the target intensity as before but then adjust the actual intensity with an easing constant times the difference between the current intensity and the target intensity.

Implementation: spoiler

Random Rectangles
We can take advantage of Processing's draw cycle to create animations, in this case drawing one new random rectangle during each call to draw. In our example, top-left corner is chosen uniformly at random, and both width and height are chosen between 10 and 40. (For convenience, the sketch below clears if you click the mouse, although that behavior is not shown in our source code).

Implementation: spoiler

Random Walk
For this sketch, we maintain global variables x and y that represent the center of a circle. During each draw cycle, we draw a gray circle to cover the previous red, then adjust the position by a small random amount, and then redraw a red circle. (For convenience, the sketch below clears if you click the mouse, although that behavior is not shown in our source code).

Implementation: spoiler
(Kudos if you can explain why some redish color is left behind in the trail).

Wrap-around Motion
For this sketch, we demonstrate basic motion with "wrap-around" behavior in which the ball, once it reaches the right side of the canvas, reappears at the left side. In a coming lesson, we will introduce conditional statements, that allow you to test when a condition has been met (such as the ball reaching the right side). But for now, we rely on a common trick for wrap-around behavior by using the modulo operator % which returns the remainder produced by a division operation. For example, if you consider the division of 502/500, the remainder is 2. In Processing, the expression 502 % 500 results in value 2. To use this for motion, in each call to draw, you can add a constant value to the ball's x-coordinate. If you then compute x % width, you will get the wrap-around behavior. In cases where x remains smaller than the width, the division effectively produces a quotient of zero and the remainder is the entirety of x. But if x were to have become greater than or equal to the width (as when x=502 and width=500), the modulo operation will end up producing a small remainder.

Implementation: spoiler

String Art
The animation in the following sketch is based on use of a global variable that is updated during each call to draw. (For convenience, the sketch below clears if you click the mouse, although that behavior is not shown in our source code).

Implementation: spoiler

Sample Quiz Question

While we don't offer an explicit sample, we expect a quesiton might have a difficulty level somewhat on par with the "Closing Curtains" example.

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 1050, Spring 2016
Last modified: Thursday, 04 February 2016
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