Saint Louis University |
Computer Science 1050
Dept. of Math & Computer Science |
We are not technically introducing any new content today, but instead want to use our existing abilities to accomplish richer behaviors involving pixel-level manipulations of imagery. In the previous module on this topic, all of our activites involved a straightforward one-for-one replacement of each pixel's color. We used a basic loop structure such as the following to process all pixels:
for (int x=0; x < w; x++) { for (int y=0; y < h; y++) { color c = orig.get(x, y); color replacement = ?????; result.set(x, y, replacement); } }In particular, the color that we chose for the replacement depended only on the color that was originally at that location (not any of its neighbors or other regions of an image).
In today's challenges, we broaden the visual affects, either by analyzing larger regions of the original image at a time, or letting that information affect larger regions of the displayed image.
None (other than those provided with the previous module)
However, to provide some variety, we switch to the following 1024x768 image as our reference:
Available from wikipedia commons at:
We begin by intentionally going from a photo back to more abstract
art. We create a randomized "point" version of the original image as
follows. Rather than render the actual image, we begin with a blank
canvas and we draw a series of circles (or fattened points) at random
(x,y) locations of the canvas. For each such circle, we pick the color
so that it matches precisely the color that is at the corresponding
pixel location in the original reference image. We can effect the
level of realism by varying the number of circles that we draw as well
as the diameter of those circles.
Spoiler: my code
In this version, we create a mosaic effect from an original
image. Unlike the previous pointillism where we relied on randomly
placed circles, we will draw a full grid of evenly spaced squares, yet
with the color of each square matching that pixel of the reference image which
corresponds to the top-left corner of the square.
While it would be possible to create a static image, the following interactive software allows the user to use the up and down keys to alter the size of the mosaic squares.
Spoiler: my code
Smoothed Mosaic
One concern with the approach with the above mosaic is that it is very
suseptible to noise since the entire square is based on a single
pixel's color (which might be quite different from its neighboring pixel).
In this new version, we take additional means to smooth the mosaic. While we again tile the canvas in equally sized and spaced squares, for the color of each square, we compute the average of all pixels of the original image that lie within that square. Computing this average requires additional nested loops (and thus more computation time).
Note that some care is needed when averaging near the boundaries of the picture, as some "squares" might go beyond the boundaries of the original image.
Spoiler: my code
Basic Edge Detection
Although it might seem strange, one significant challenge in computer
vision is to be able to detect the object within a picture. A
significant step toward that end is to be able to effectively detect
the edges that define the boundaries of those objects. This process is
known as edge detection
We begin by exploring a very simple form of edge detection. For every pixel in the image, we compare its color to the pixel immediate to its right. On a component-by-component basis, we compute the difference between the two pixels (technically, the absolute value of that distance). Notice that if you have large regions having the same color, or nearly the same color, these differences will be zero and thus the difference is visualized as black. When you have a neighboring pixel that is quite different from its neighbor, the difference will be significant and that difference, as a color, will be brighter.
The simple rule of comparing each pixel to its neighbor on the right produces the following image, when plotting those differences as colors:
Spoiler: my code
Finding vertical lines
In the previous project, we chose to compare a pixel to the one on its
right. That decision was somewhat arbitrary but it means that we do
much better at detecting vertical edges (like flagpoles) because they
demonstrate a strong difference between a pixel and that to its
right. That unfortunately does poorly at detecting horizontal lines
(such as the street's curbs, or the american flag's stripes).
We could choose to instead compare each pixel to the one immediately below it. We implement that and demonstrate the resulting image below. Notice that it does much better at finding the curb and the stripes on the flag (but it does not do well at finding vertical features such as the flagpoles).
Spoiler: my code
More robust edge detection
We can combine the two previous ideas as follows. For each pixel p,
compute the component-wise color combination by taking
We show our resulting image below. Notice that it captures horizontal lines such as the curb and U.S. flag, and vertical lines suc as the flag poles. In fact, this also does a good job on the text such as Saint Louis University, and text in the circular seal.
Spoiler: my code
More to come...