CSCI-1080 Intro To CS: World Wide WebSaint Louis University, Department of Computer Science
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After you absorb Six Degrees, then consider what this means:
By eyeballing the above figure, we can estimate that a random graph with average degree of 2 has a giant component with 75% of all nodes.
Whether |V| is big or small doesn't matter at all: To connect a set of nodes into a giant component, just randomly add |V| edges and you have guaranteed that the average degree is at least 2, thus creating a giant component with 75% of all nodes.
Example: Suppose all links are deleted from the Web. Only the 30-70 billion link-less pages remain. If each author of each Web page added just one random link to each of his pages, then the resulting giant component would connect 75% of all Web pages into a giant component connected by undirected paths (which allow both forward and backward traversing of hyperlinks).
An algorithm is a set of instructions that explain how to compute something. It is like a recipe, only for making data instead of food.
An algorithm has three parts:
Input (like the ingredients of a recipe)
Output (like the title of a recipe: “chile con carne, serves 12”)
The steps of the algorithm (like the steps of the recipe)
The following algorithm describes the creation of a random graph.
Node set V, with |V|>1
Graph G=(V,E), with :
and :
(i.e., a clique)
Define E = { } and G=(V,E)
Choose random pair of nodes x, y that are non-adjacent
Add element {x,y} to set E
If |E| = |V|*(|V|-1)/2 then we are done
Go to step 2
Note: The main point of most algorithms is generating output, just as the main reason for most recipes is serving food. For example, a sorting algorithm is useful as a way to alphabetize names, and Google's PageRank algorithm is useful as a way to list the most popular and influential Web pages first.
Our random graph algorithm, however, does not generate interesting output. It creates a clique using a more complicated sequence of steps than is necessary to create a clique. The point of the algorithm is the journey it describes, not the destination where it eventually arrives.
Informally speaking, a cluster is a group of nodes in a graph that are more connected to each other than they are to the rest of the graph. For example, the red and yellow regions below are clusters:
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Clusters provide a good big-picture view of the Web, much like a table of contents provides a big-picture view of a book. Unlike a book and its table of contents, however, a cluster involves many authors (Web builders) acting independently. Also, a Web builder may be unaware of the clusters he is forming.
The sociological force behind Web clusters is homophily, or “birds of a feather” (which “flock together”). Here is one important way that homophily impacts the Web:
When a Web builder links from his site to another site, he usually does so because he perceives something important shared by his site and the other site.
Therefore hyperlinks represent more than channels of navigation; they also represent shared likes and dislikes.
The navigational meaning of a hyperlink is clear and explicit, but the shared likes and dislikes represented by a hyperlink are often unstated and implicit.
Therefore clusters of mutually interlinked Web pages represent self-organized groups with specific shared likes and dislikes, which are usually unstated and implicit.
Motivated by the above, cluster-based search engines find interlinked groups of Web pages and then deduce the specific “meaning” of each cluster by analyzing the content of the interlinked pages. An example of cluster-based search engines is iBoogie.
Triadic closure is a simple and effective mathematical model of homophily in a network. The basic idea is illustrated below:
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Nodes 2 and 3 share a mutual neighbor but are not adjacent. |
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Adding edge {2,3} is then an example of triadic closure. |
Triadic closure usually occurs in the context of a larger graph. For example, in the graph below–considering only the solid black lines as edges–there are many possible opportunities for triadic closure. Just a few of those possible opportunities are illustrated with dotted red lines.
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Chapter 2 of Six Degrees pp 56-61 has a good introduction to homophily and triadic closure. Read that before you continue. The following algorithm describes the process of repeated triadic closure:
Triadic Closure Algorithm:
An undirected graph G=(V,E) with |V|>0 and |E|>0
See below…
Look for two nodes x, y that are non-adjacent and share a common neighbor
If no such pair of nodes x, y exists, then we are done
Add element {x,y} to set E
Go to step 1
The output of the triadic closure algorithm has some notable properties. We can deduce these properties from the following observations:
Consider the closing of a single triad: Nodes x and y are non-adjacent and share a common neighbor; then x and y are joined by edge {x,y}.
Adding edge {x,y} does not change the number of connected components in G. Nodes x and y were already connected before we joined them with {x,y}.
Adding edge {x,y} increases the density of the connected component that contains nodes x and y.
Repeating the above observations over the course of every iteration of the triadic closure algorithm, we see that the output graph G’=(V,E’) computed by the algorithm has these two properties
Output graph G’ has exactly the same number of connected components as input graph G. Furthermore, the nodes that induce each connected component are the same in G’ and G.
Each connected component of G’ has the maximum possible density: it is a clique.
Example: Suppose the triadic closure algorithm starts with graph G=(V,E) drawn below:
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Upon completion, the algorithm will have added all the orange edges drawn below:
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The output graph has the same number of connected components as the input graph (with the same nodes in those components). And each connected component in the output graph is a clique.
An algorithm that identifies and closes triads is an example of random-bias. A network resulting from that algorithm is an example of randomly-biased network (graph). Intuitively, a random-biased network is a network that obeys to some property but it is otherwise random. In the triadic closure example, the bias is towards closing a triad (adding an edge) if two nodes have already a common neighbor; the two nodes with the common neighbor are selected however at random.
A hub is a node in a graph with much higher degree than average. For example, nodes 1 and 2 are both hubs in the figure below:
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Centrality is the mathematical term most commonly used to describe hubs. Degree and indegree are two common simple measures of centrality.
Google made centrality-based Web search famous, and centrality-based search engines now dominate the Web. If cluster-based search engines reveal something like a Web “table of contents,” then centrality-based search engines provide quick shortcuts to “the good parts”–the most popular pages and pictures.
The sociological force behind Web hubs is cumulative advantage, or “rich get richer.” Here is one important way that cumulative advantage impacts the Web:
When a Web builder is looking for online resources, he probably uses a centrality-based search engine like Google, and he is more likely to look at higher-ranked pages.
Pages atop centrality-based rankings are there because they are already popular (essentially because they have high indegree.)
Therefore Web builders are more likely to link to (and increase the indegree of) pages that are already popular. It is possible that Web builders will never even see the “good” pages that are not popular.
Therefore Google and its ilk, to some extent, drive a feedback loop that amplifies the popularity of whatever is already popular. In other words, the rank of a Web page next week has less to do with its content and more to do with its rank this week. The main change to be expected in next week's rankings is that disparities between high rankings and low rankings will increase. The rich get richer.
Chapter 4 of Six Degrees pp 108-109 has a good introduction to cumulative advantage (known also as “rich get richer” and the “Matthew effect” among other names) and its effect on network dynamics. Read that before you continue.
Preferential attachment is the mathematical model used to represent the force of cumulative advantage in network dynamics. The algorithm below describes the process of repeated preferential attachment. This is equivalent to the algorithm informally described on pp 108-109 of Six Degrees:
Preferential Attachment Algorithm:
An undirected graph such that V = {1,2,3,…,k}, k>1, and |E|>0
Integer n, with n>k. Variable n represents the number of nodes in the output graph
See example below…
i = k + 1
Choose a node x based on degree: if deg(x) = 2*deg(y), then x is twice as likely to be picked as y.
Add element i to set V
Add element {i,x} to set E
Add 1 to the value of i
if i > n then we are done
Go to step 2
Example: Suppose the preferential attachment algorithm starts with ,
, and n=20. Therefore k=2 and the input graph can be drawn as:
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The sequence below illustrates the first few iterations of the algorithm.
Iteration 1
Create node 3 and join it to a pre-existing node. Node 1 and node 2 are equally likely.
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Suppose the algorithm joins node 3 to node 1. Then…
Iteration 2
Create node 4 and join it to a pre-existing node. Node 1 is twice as likely as node 2 or node 3.
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Suppose the algorithm joins node 4 to node 1. Then…
Iteration 3
Create node 5 and join it to a pre-existing node. Node 1 is 3 times as likely as node 2, 3 or 4.
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Suppose the algorithm joins node 5 to node 2 (i.e., a lucky break for node 2). Then…
Iteration 4
Create node 6 and join it to a pre-existing node.
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Iterations continue…
In the very last iteration, node 20 is joined to node 2
Output graph:
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Notice in the above example that nodes 1 and 2 start out as equals. However, the random choice of node 1 in the first iteration gives node 1 a nudge up in popularity that feeds on itself. In the end, node 1 is the single dominant hub and node 2 is a second-tier mini-hub.
A seemingly insignificant event in iteration 1 has caused a very substantial effect because of cumulative advantage.
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