CSCI-1080 Intro To CS: World Wide WebSaint Louis University
Synthetic | Analytic | |
Micro | An individual builds a website to produce a result. | we do not speak to this quadrant |
Macro | “The world” builds a website to produce a result. | Laws are stated to explain large-scale Web phenomena. |
Some Web builders consider themselves Web developers; others consider themselves bloggers; others merely post an occasional comment on someone else's blog or discussion forum. We say “Web builder” to encompass the full spectrum of people who contribute links and other content to the Web.
Our lab curriculum provides an informal hands-on approach to the task of building a Web site. The web science material (which you are now reading) explain large scale Web phenomena and other interesting web algorithms and dynamics; for example, the Amazon recommendation algorithm and the Google PageRank algorithm.
The sociology, psychology, and economics of this course follow Duncan Watts’ Six Degrees, which we recommend as a narrative companion to our own material. Our complete suggested reading list is below.
Protecting yourself from evildoers
The Difference Between a Virus, Worm, and Trojan Horse by Webopedia
“Secret geek A-Team hacks back defends Web” by Joshua Davis, Wired, Nov 2008
Privacy, trust, and ownership
“Google Knows too much about you” by Frida Ghitis CNN]
“Wikipedia: What do they know; when do they know it, and when can we trust it?” by Susan Youngwood, Vermont Today, April 2007
Basic mathematical foundations of networks:
Sets Explicit Notation for Sets Cardinality
Venn Diagrams
Union and Intersection
Ordered Lists
Implicit Notation for Sets
Logical Expressions
Compound expressions with “or”
Compound expressions with “and”
Union and intersection defined formally
Similarity of Sets
Graphs Undirected and Directed Neighborhood and Degree
Density and Average Degree
Paths in undirected graphs defined formally
Paths in directed graphs
Hubs, clusters, and other basic structural features of the Web:
Connected: a word of many meanings Induced Subgraphs
“Connected” defined formally
Connected graphs and connected components
Defining clusters
Connected components and Cliques
See also:
“Bow Tie” Structure of the WWW, by Chris Sherman, Information Today, May 22, 2000.
Six Degrees Chapter 2 (read pp. 48-55 and 62-68)
How randomness, homophily, and cumulative advantage shape the Web:
Limitations of traditional graph theory Introduction to network dynamics
Three models of dynamic graphs
Random graphs
Demonstration of random graph dynamics
Random graph algorithm
Clusters and homophily
Triadic closure
Triadic closure algorithm
Hubs and cumulative advantage
Preferential attachment algorithm
See also:
“Is Justin Timberlake a product of cumulative advantage?” by Duncan Watts, The New York Times, April 2007
“Science Online: Too Much of a Good Thing?”, NSF Press Release featuring sociologist James Evans, July 17, 2008.
Understanding that the Web is a scale-free network requires some probability theory:
Variables in mathematics Variables in algorithms
Random variables
Discrete vs. continuous variables
Probability distributions
Degree distributions
General discussion of scale-free networks:
Six Degrees: Chapter 4, pp. 101-114
From previous chapter on Network Dynamics: Hubs and cumulative advantage and Preferential attachment algorithm
Applying fundamental concepts of computer science to the Web
Information, computation, and algorithms Summation: an example of what computation is
HTML: an example of what computation is not
Computing distance, part one: Information diffusion
Computing distance, part two: Example
Computing distance, part three: Algorithm
Examples of information diffusion on the Web:
Social bookmarking in plain English by Common Craft
RSS: RSS in plain English by Common Craft
XML: Introduction to XML by Jan Egil Refsnes
See also:
Read Six Degrees pp 135-139: “Is six a big or a small number?”
How to compute personalized recommendations:
“Expert opinions” without the experts Tuples: content of CF
Bipartite graphs: structure of CF
Structural equivalence: computation of CF
The four steps of collaborative filtering
Niches and blockbusters in the world of Web commerce:
Macro-analytic view of collaborative filtering
Power law revisited
Niches, megahits, and the neglected middle
Macro-analytic view of the long tail
Macro view of Web programming
See also:
The Long Tail, by Chris Anderson. Wired, October 2004.
Going Long, by John Cassidy. The New Yorker, July 2006. Six Degrees Chapter 7, pp 207-215: Information Externalities & Market Externalities
How to compute the influence of a Web page:
Popularity, influence, and centrality
Introduction to PageRank
NetRank: a simplified version of PageRank
Normalization and convergence
The NetRank algorithm
Dividing by outdegree: the NR* formula
The PageRank formula
The damping factor: PageRank as probability
See also PageRank Explained by Phil Craven
What happens when Web builders seek to increase their influence?
Games: Competition and Cooperation
Dynamics of popularity and influence
PageRank competition
Doing the right thing
Mutually assured construction
Authority, reciprocity, reputation
Game theory
Winners’ dilemma
See also
Six Degrees Chapter 7 pp 202-204: Diners’ Dilemma and Tragedy of the Commons
Prisoners’ Dilemma by Serendip; also “What's so important about this game”
Six Degrees Chapter 7 pp 215-219: Coordination Externalities
Tragedy of the Anti-Commons (aka “The Permission Problem”) by James Surowiecki, The New Yorker, August 2008
The contect of this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.